# Check SMS
To check the sms, replace the bold text (Order ID) with your ID for the sms you want to check.
- Host: https://api.contasinfinity.com.br/api/v1/sms/status/ Order ID
- Method HTTP: GET
- Headers:
- Accept: application/json
- Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY
# Response: STATUS 200 OK
"option": "Opção 3",
"social_network": "Twitter",
"number": "5516988142751",
"sms": "1232",
"time_end": "2022-01-28 16:54:10",
"status": "Approved"
- Possible Status:
- STATUS_WAIT_CODE: Waiting for SMS.
- STATUS_WAIT_RESEND: Waiting for SMS resend.
- Approved: The SMS has been delivered.
- Moved to history: The SMS has been moved to history.
- Canceled: The SMS has been cancelled.
- Refunded: The SMS has been refunded.
# Possible mistakes when check SMS
# 1. Order not found: STATUS 200
This error occurs when the ORDER ID is not found.
"message": "order id not found."